Saturday, March 29, 2014


I ranted about this on Tumblr and I am going to do the same here!

Yo! Ballroom dancers! Ladies! You have the right to say NO to a closed embrace! I didnt know that and an older man (like 50) kept flirting with me and trying and succeeding in doing a closed embrace during the Tango.  I had to leave that class because I didn’t want to face him again. I was a 16/17 when this happened. It happened tonight again. A man got a little too friendly and automatically did the closed embrace. It wasnt just the closed embrace it was something a little farther then that. It was by far uncomfortable and awkward. You know what? I was too polite and kind to say something. SO LET ME TELL YOU THIS ONE MORE TIME! YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY NO! Screw their feelings! Your space is being invaded! Dont take crap from them! Honestly, You have the right to say no! AND MEN! If you want to do a closed embrace with a young girl you just met ASK HER FOR HEAVENS SAKE! ASK! ASK! ASK! DONT assume she wants to do the tango with you in a closed embrace.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Oh no! Its a rant!

I am so pissed! I went to a church activity that was a panel about bullying. Well I have been bullied my whole life and that right there was a bloody trigger for me. All the rage and sadness just flooded over me. I just wanted to get up and walk out. My cousin being a sweet doll she is gave a speech how it gets better after High School. You know what they did? They laughed at her told everyone that it doesn't. Well hoo hoo freakin hoo. IT DOES GET BETTER YOU IGNORANT PANTIE LINER! I can already tell its getting better and I am not out of High School yet! Also! They had bullies talk to us. THEY WERE BULLIES AT OUR AGE! I just don't get how they had bullies talk to a bunch of kids about not bullying. I just. I. HUMANS! AGH! They also should have let some of the kids talk as well. We just kind of sat there and listened. They also come from a different generation of High School. High School is living hell.
So all in all it does get better! Don't give up! If you need help talk to someone!

Monday, March 3, 2014

My ADD Medicine

When I was little I was told I had ADD by my doctor. I never really understood it until I was older. I always looked at it as if it was a part of me and I couldnt do anything about it. I started to love the advantages I had with it and started to accept the disadvantages. I was put on medicine to help me focus and it worked! I loved it! I read a 500 page book the first day on it. I could read, draw, write, ect... My thoughts werent everywhere. I however always assumed the hallucinations of dark figured people was my imagination and not my daytrana medicine. I grew up seeing people walking off building and dissapearing, black cats, black figures standing in the road, little ant shapes moving fast, ect.. ect... I stopped taking it one summer and the hallucinations stopped. I started it again when I moved to Oregon and they started up again. I meet very nice lady at a con whos little brother had the same problem and thats when I started thinking maybe thats happening to me too. I told my doctor and I stopped immediately. We talked to my old doctor who specialized in ADD and he said he  had one other child who would hear things when he was taking it. I wasnt the only one. We looked it up and we found out that 1 out of 100 children or 1 out of 50 children would hear things or see things when they took it. Well I went to my new doctor and told me that if I ever took drugs I would never get out of that state. Good thing I don't do drugs. So if you see or hear things when your taking your ADD medicine stop and tell your doctor! Its not good and its not worth it!